Arkansas Crime Information holds many forms for both the public and criminal justice employees.
Please refer to the tabbed sections on the left for the correct forms.
If you have questions or need assistance please use our CHATBOT (the word bubble in the bottom right corner of the page) or email the appropriate section:
Operations: (ORI Updates, Questions on returns, Coding, Access, Adding a Workstation, Contacting a Field Agent, Entry Questions, ETC.)
Training: (Class Location, Enrollment, CJIS Online Issues, TAC Assignments, ETC.) (PLEASE NO FAXES.)
VINE/JusticeXchange: (JX Password Reset, AlertXpress Issues, DL Photo Lineup Issues, ETC.)
No Longer Employed: (Please submit the NLE form found on the Launch Pad under CJIS documents in the TAC folder or use the form in Messenger called Remove.)
Offline Search: (Please submit the form within Messenger or the form on the Launch Pad under CJIS documents.)
MISUSE Complaints:
Criminal History:
Sex Offender Registry:
Conference & General Questions: