Interested in Training?
If you want to attend Basic, Advanced, or TAC class you MUST be a current Criminal Justice Practitioner or employed by a Law Enforcement or Judiciary Institution.
Do you have a training question? You can email our training staff at
Advanced Training
ACIC ADVANCED training is required of all ACIC access device operators who wish to enter or modify data in the ACIC system. ACIC BASIC training is a prerequisite for enrollment in this course. Additionally, THERE IS A MANDATORY WAITING PERIOD OF 30 DAYS BETWEEN SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF ACIC BASIC TRAINING AND SCHEDULING OF ACIC ADVANCED TRAINING. The ACIC ADVANCED class consists of at least 32 hours of instruction. Operators who successfully complete ACIC ADVANCED training are considered to have “full access” are authorized to enter, modify, clear, and query data.
Please review our Advanced training calendar.
You can also view all classes on the ACIC Launchpad!
You can sign up for training through Messenger or complete a Request for Training Form and email it to
Basic Training
ACIC BASIC training is required of all individuals operating an ACIC access device. The ACIC BASIC class consists of at least four hours of training on ACIC policy, procedures and the laws regulating the access and use of ACIC and CJIS data. Operators who successfully complete ACIC BASIC training are authorized to inquire upon ACIC information but are not authorized to add or modify ACIC information. It is MANDATORY for all operators to successfully complete this training requirement within 60 days of employment.
ACIC Basic training will be available online after January 4, 2024. Please continue to complete a Request for Training and email it to or use the TRAINREQ form on Messenger. Once we receive the training form, we will configure your new users or transfers users. Once the user is configured, the TAC will receive an email from the ACIC Training Team confirming the user’s status and the steps to complete their training or access requirements.
Please continue to look for updated information on the Launchpad, Messenger Terminal, and emails from the ACIC Field Agents or ACIC Training Team.
Regional TAC/Audit Prep Class
This class is designed for Terminal Agency Coordinators (TACs) , however persons assigned as Assistant TACs by agency supervisors are also encouraged to attend. This is a two (2:3) hour course designed to explain the role and responsibility of the Terminal Agency Coordinator position as it relates to ACIC training, audits, and general functionality. The course will be instructed by ACIC staff to ensure that TACs and Assistant TACs are aware of resources available to them to assist them in the performance of their duties. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate what is required and expected from them in regards to ensuring that their agency is in full compliance with NCIC and ACIC standards whether it be training issues, or audit compliance. The NexTest system will be fully explored and demonstrated to the students, so that upon completion of the course, the student can fully utilize this powerful tool to its fullest potential. This class offers 3 CLEST hours.
Special Training
Don’t miss out on CLEST Credit!! There will be lots of surprises and extra goodies!
Learn how to best utilize VINE, JusticeXchange, and NPLEx!
This training will be especially beneficial for deputies, police officers, prosecutors, jail personnel, dispatchers, warrant clerks, hot check coordinators, and victim advocates for instruction on the use of VINE, JusticeXchange, and NPLEx.